New mechanism to cool buildings while saving energy
The movement of radiant heat -- felt when a hot surface warms our bodies and homes -- between buildings and their surroundings at ground level makes buildings with less skyward-facing surfaces harder to cool. A research team has demonstrated a new passive cooling technology that coats walls and windows with materials that can better manage heat movement between buildings and their surroundings at ground level. Findings could reduce the reliance on air conditioning and provide a more environmentally friendly, low-cost and scalable option for low-income communities with limited or no access to cooling and heating systems.
Image: timallenphoto/
Researchers develop AI model that predicts the accuracy of protein--DNA binding
A new artificial intelligence model can predict how different proteins may bind to DNA.
Increasing solid-state electrolyte conductivity and stability using helical structure
Solid-state electrolytes have been explored for decades for use in energy storage systems and in the pursuit of solid-state batteries. These materials are safer alternatives to the traditional liquid electrolyte -- a solution that allows ions to move within the cell -- used in batteries today. However, new concepts are needed to push the performance of current solid polymer electrolytes to be viable for next generation materials.
Achieving quantum memory in the hard X-ray range
Physicists have used Doppler-shifted nuclear resonant absorbers to form a nuclear frequency comb, enabling a quantum memory in the notoriously difficult X-ray range.
A research team has constructed an unprecedented chiral-structured interface in perovskite solar cells, which enhances the reliability and power conversion efficiency of this fast-advancing solar technology and accelerates its commercialization.
Pioneering plasma-catalytic process for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol under ambient conditions
A research team reports a pioneering plasma-catalytic process for the hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. This breakthrough addresses the limitations of traditional thermal catalysis, which often requires high temperatures and pressures, resulting in low CO2 conversion and methanol yield.
How do butterflies stick to branches during metamorphosis?
Most of us learned about butterfly metamorphosis as a kid -- a wriggly caterpillar molts its skin to form a tough chrysalis and emerges as a beautiful butterfly. But how exactly do chrysalises stay anchored as the butterfly brews within? Research shows that, despite their silks being weak and thin on their own, caterpillars can expertly spin them into chrysalis support structures resembling hook-and-loop fasteners and multi-strand safety tethers.
3D laser printing with bioinks from microalgae
Microalgae such as the diatom Odontella aurita and the green alga Tetraselmis striata are especially suitable as 'biofactories' for the production of sustainable materials for 3D laser printing due to their high content in lipids and photoactive pigments. An international research team has succeeded for the first time in manufacturing inks for printing complex biocompatible 3D microstructures from the raw materials extracted from the microalgae.
New technology uses light to engrave erasable 3D images
Researchers invented a technique that uses a specialized light projector and a photosensitive chemical additive to imprint two- and three-dimensional images inside any polymer. The light-based engraving remains in the polymer until heat or light are applied, which erases the image and makes it ready to use again. The technology is intended for any situation where having detailed, precise visual data in a compact and easily customizable format could be critical, such as planning surgeries and developing architectural designs.
Researchers outline promises, challenges of understanding AI for biological discovery
Machine learning is a powerful tool in computational biology, enabling the analysis of a wide range of biomedical data such as genomic sequences and biological imaging. But when researchers use machine learning in computational biology, understanding model behavior remains crucial for uncovering the underlying biological mechanisms in health and disease. Researchers now propose guidelines that outline pitfalls and opportunities for using interpretable machine learning methods to tackle computational biology problems.
Finding pearls in the mud: Eco-friendly tungsten recovery from semiconductor waste
Semiconductor industry waste is typically seen as a costly disposal problem and an environmental hazard. But what if this waste could be transformed into a valuable resource? In an exciting development, researchers have unveiled an eco-friendly method to extract rare metals from semiconductor waste. This innovative approach not only recovers precious tungsten but also assesses its economic viability, offering a sustainable solution for waste management in the tech industry.
3D bioprinting advances research on respiratory viruses
Researchers develop a microstructured 'artificial lung' model using bioprinting technology.
Precise stirring conditions key to optimizing nanostructure synthesis
Stirring allows for homogenization and efficient gas exchange -- this fact has been known for decades. Controlling the stirring rate during the nanocluster synthesis is pivotal in achieving nanostructures with well-defined sizes, structures, optical properties, and stability.
Effective new catalyst brings hope for cleaner energy, wastewater treatment, and green chemistry
A catalyst that significantly enhances ammonia conversion could improve wastewater treatment, green chemical and hydrogen production.
Imaging technique uncovers protein abnormality in motor neurone disease
Researchers have used a new technique to identify pathological abnormalities associated with motor neurone disease.
Chemists develop new sustainable reaction for creating unique molecular building blocks
Polymers can be thought of like trains: Just as a train is composed of multiple cars, polymers are made up of multiple monomers, and the couplings between the train cars are similar to the chemical bonds that link monomers together. While polymers have myriad applications -- from drug delivery to construction materials -- their structures and functions are restricted by the chemically similar monomer building blocks they're composed of. Now, chemists have developed a new reaction to create unique monomers in a controlled way. This reaction, which uses nickel as a catalyst, ultimately enables scientists to create polymers with unique and modifiable properties for drug delivery, energy storage, microelectronics and more.
Artificial compound eye to revolutionize robotic vision at lower cost but higher sensitivity
A research team has recently developed a novel artificial compound eye system that is not only more cost-effective, but demonstrates a sensitivity at least twice that of existing market products in small areas. The system promises to revolutionize robotic vision, enhance robots' abilities in navigation, perception and decision-making, while promoting commercial application and further development in human-robot collaboration.
Exploring the impact of attentional uniqueness and attentional allocation on firm growth
Researchers posit that a balance between attentional uniqueness and allocation can positively impact a firm's growth.
Breakthrough in molecular control: New bioinspired double helix with switchable chirality
The control of artificial double-helical structures, which are essential for the development of high-order molecular systems, remains difficult. In a new study, researchers have developed novel double-helical monometallofoldamers that exhibit controllable helicity inversion and chiral information transfer, in response to external stimuli. These monometallofoldamers can lead to novel artificial supramolecular systems for molecular information transmission, amplification, replication, and other exciting applications in various fields of technology.
Two new studies introduce AI systems that use either video or photos to create simulations that can train robots to function in the real world. This could significantly lower the costs of training robots to function in complex settings. Two new studies introduce AI systems that use either video or photos to create simulations that can train robots to function in the real world. This could significantly lower the costs of training robots to function in complex settings.
Glimpse into the nanoworld: Microscope reveals tiniest cell processes
What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometers (five billionths of a meter). This is roughly equivalent to the width of a hair split into 10,000 strands.
3D-printed blood vessels bring artificial organs closer to reality
Lab-grown organs are a long-time 'holy grail' of organ engineering that has yet to be achieved, but new research has brought that goal a big step closer to reality using a new 3D-printing method called co-SWIFT. co-SWIFT prints branching networks of double-layered vessels that are infused with smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells into living human cardiac tissue, and can even replicate patient-specific vascular structures,indicating that it could one day be used for personalized medicine.
Electric bandage holds promise for treating chronic wounds
Researchers have developed an inexpensive bandage that uses an electric field to promote healing in chronic wounds. In animal testing, wounds that were treated with these electric bandages healed 30% faster than wounds treated with conventional bandages.
Forever chemical pollution can now be tracked
Researchers developed a way to fingerprint organofluorine compounds -- sometimes called 'forever chemicals' --which could help authorities trace them to their source when they end up in aquifers, waterways or soil.
First noninvasive method to continually measure true blood pressure
The new device uses sound waves to gather blood pressure data from blood vessels, monitoring the response with ultrasound. The new technique, called resonance sonomanometry, holds the promise to enable better vital-sign monitoring at home, in hospitals, and possibly even in remote locations.
Research challenges conventional wisdom on wet surface adhesion
Scientists overturned long-held assumptions in that finds water can be a help for adhesion. The implications of this research are particularly in biomedical applications such as bandages, health monitoring sensors for moist skin, and advanced adhesives that could replace sutures. The insights gained into leveraging surface roughness and material properties could revolutionize industries worth billions of dollars globally.
Findings from first archaeology project in space
The first-ever archeological survey in space has provided new insights into how astronauts use and adapt their living space on the International Space Station, which could influence the design of new space stations after the ISS is decommissioned.
Scientists lay out revolutionary method to warm Mars
Ever since we learned that the surface of planet Mars is cold and dead, people have wondered if there is a way to make it friendlier to life. The newly proposed method is over 5,000 times more efficient than previous schemes to globally warm Mars, representing a significant leap forward in our ability to modify the Martian environment.
X-ray imagery of vibrating diamond opens avenues for quantum sensing
Scientists at three research institutions capture the pulsing motion of atoms in diamond, uncovering the relationship between the diamond's strain and the behavior of the quantum information hosted within.
Study on planet-warming contrails 'a spanner in the works' for aviation industry
Modern commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes create longer-lived planet-warming contrails than older aircraft, a new study has found.
Used concrete transformed into new bricks while trapping CO2
Researchers have turned concrete from a demolished school building and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air into new blocks strong enough to build a house with. The process involved grinding the old concrete into powder, reacting it with CO2 from the air, pressurizing it in layers in a mold and finally heating it to form the new block. Instead of making buildings from new concrete only, this technique could offer a way to recycle old materials while also trapping carbon dioxide in the process. The blocks could theoretically be remade again and again, through the same process.
Turning unused signals such as Wi-Fi into energy for electronics
We are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic waves such as Wi-Fi. Researchers tested a device to convert this ambient energy into energy for electronic devices.
World's highest-performance superconducting wire segment
Researchers report that they have fabricated the world's highest-performing high-temperature superconducting wire segment while making the price-performance metric significantly more favorable.
'Amphibious' sensors make new, waterproof technologies possible
Researchers have demonstrated a technique for creating sensors that can function both in air and underwater. The approach paves the way for 'amphibious' sensors with applications ranging from wildlife monitoring to biomedical applications.
New device for on-the-spot water testing
Researchers at University of Galway have developed a new, portable technology for on-the-spot testing of water quality to detect one of the most dangerous types of bacteria. Ireland regularly reports the highest crude incidence rates of the pathogen Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli -- STEC for short -- in Europe over the recent years.
Walking the walk, scientists develop motion-compatible brain scanner
An upright neuroimaging device developed by neuroscientists, physicists and engineers allows patients to move around while undergoing a brain scan.
Dozing at the wheel? Not with these fatigue-detecting earbuds
To help protect drivers and machine operators from the dangers of drifting off, engineers have created prototype earbuds that can detect the signs of drowsiness in the brain. In a new study, the researchers show that their Ear EEG platform is sensitive enough to detect alpha waves, a pattern of brain activity that increases when you close your eyes or start to fall asleep.
Researchers dig deeper into stability challenges of nuclear fusion -- with mayonnaise
Researchers are using mayonnaise to study and address the stability challenges of nuclear fusion by examining the phases of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Their innovative approach aims to inform the design of more stable fusion capsules, contributing to the global effort to harness clean fusion energy. Their most recent paper explores the critical transitions between elastic and plastic phases in these conditions.
Advanced chelators offer efficient and eco-friendly rare earth element recovery
The world is going to need a lot of weird metals in the coming years, according to chemistry professor. But he isn't talking about lithium, cobalt or even beryllium. He's interested in dysprosium, which is so hidden in the periodic table that you'd be forgiven for thinking he made it up.
Stacking molecules like plates improves organic solar device performance
Researchers found that how well light-converting molecules stack together in a solid is important for how well they convert light into electric current. A rigid molecule that stacked well showed excellent electricity generation in an organic solar cell and photocatalyst, easily outperforming a similar flexible molecule that did not stack well. This new way of improving the design of molecules could be used to pioneer the next generation of light-converting devices.
Soft gold enables connections between nerves and electronics
Gold does not readily lend itself to being turned into long, thin threads. But researchers have now managed to create gold nanowires and develop soft electrodes that can be connected to the nervous system. The electrodes are soft as nerves, stretchable and electrically conductive, and are projected to last for a long time in the body.
Concept for efficiency-enhanced noble-metal catalysts
The production of more than 90 percent of all chemical products we use in our everyday lives relies on catalysts. Catalysts speed up chemical reactions, can reduce the energy required for these processes, and in some cases, reactions would not be possible at all without catalysts. Researchers developed a concept that increases the stability of noble-metal catalysts and requires less noble metal for their production.
A new way of thinking about the economy could help protect the Amazon, and help its people thrive
To protect the Amazon and support the wellbeing of its people, its economy needs to shift from environmentally harmful production to a model built around the diversity of indigenous and rural communities, and standing forests.
Researchers solve long-standing challenge for piezoelectric materials
Heat and pressure can deteriorate the properties of piezoelectric materials that make state-of-the-art ultrasound and sonar technologies possible -- and fixing that damage has historically required disassembling devices and exposing the materials to even higher temperatures. Now researchers have developed a technique to restore those properties at room temperature, making it easier to repair these devices -- and paving the way for new ultrasound technologies.
Heating for fusion: Why toast plasma when you can microwave it!
Can plasma be sufficiently heated inside a tokamak using only microwaves? New research suggests it can! Eliminating the central ohmic heating coil normally used in tokamaks will free up much-needed space for a more compact, efficient spherical tokamak.
Novel machine learning-based cluster analysis method that leverages target material property
Conventional clustering techniques often focus on basic features like crystal structure and elemental composition, neglecting target properties such as band gaps and dielectric constants. A new study introduced a machine learning-powered clustering model that incorporates both basic features and target properties, successfully grouping over 1,000 inorganic materials. This model provides insights into material relationships, potential applications, and identifies key factors to balance band gaps and dielectric constants, addressing their trade-off relationship.
A new study by seismologists reexamines earthquakes in the Permian Basin that occurred before 2017 against the real-time data collected from earthquakes taking place after 2020. Results confirm that the seismicity occurring from 2009-2017 was causally linked to the underground injection of wastewater that is a byproduct of oil and gas extraction.
New substrate material for flexible electronics could help combat e-waste
A new material for flexible electronics could enable multilayered, recyclable electronic devices and help limit e-waste.
Astronomers uncover risks to planets that could host life
A groundbreaking study has revealed that red dwarf stars can produce stellar flares that carry far-ultraviolet (far-UV) radiation levels much higher than previously believed.
Engineers develop general, high-speed technology to model, explain catalytic reactions
A research team developed artificial intelligence technology that could find ways to improve researchers' understanding of the chemical reactions involved in ammonia production and other complex chemical reactions.
Seismic detectors measure soil moisture using traffic noise
Using state of the art techniques, researchers use vibrations from traffic to measure underground soil moisture.
Understanding neutrino interactions is crucial for obtaining a complete picture of particle physics and the universe. To date, neutrino interaction cross sections have not been measured at high energy above some hundred gigaelectronvolts at particle colliders. Now, researchers have obtained the first direct observation of electron and muon neutrino interactions in the Teraelectronvolt range at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, using the FASER detector. This study marks a significant step for particle physics research.
Cracking the code of life: new AI model learns DNA's hidden language
With GROVER, a new large language model trained on human DNA, researchers could now attempt to decode the complex information hidden in our genome. GROVER treats human DNA as a text, learning its rules and context to draw functional information about the DNA sequences.
AI for mental health screening may carry biases based on gender, race
A growing body of AI tools screen how people talk, searching for subtle changes that could indicate mental health concerns like depression or anxiety. A study finds that these tools don't perform consistently across people from different genders and races.
Nature's design marvel: How shark skin's denticles adapt to wide speed
New findings on how sharks achieve drag reduction could inspire the design of riblets for more efficient aircraft and boats. In their investigation of great white shark denticles, researchers found that ridge height and spacing play crucial roles in drag reduction at different swimming speeds. Higher middle ridges aid sharks in efficient cruising at slower speeds, while the lower side ridges become more critical for drag reduction during high-speed hunting bursts. The analysis also suggests that the speeds of an extinct giant shark, megalodon, may not much differ from those of the white shark.
Physicists develop new method to combine conventional internet with the quantum internet
Researchers send entangled photons and laser pulses of the same color over a single optical fiber for the first time.
A team developed a new microscopy technique that uses electrical pulses to track the nanosecond dynamics within a material that is known to form charge density waves. Controlling these waves may lead to faster and more energy-efficient electronics.