Falling for financial scams? It may signal early Alzheimer's disease
Findings from a new USC Dornsife study suggest that when older adults fall for financial scams, it could be an early warning sign of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers used MRI scans to find that older adults with thinner brain regions linked to memory and decision-making -- areas often affected early in Alzheimer's -- were more likely to be vulnerable to financial scams. The findings offer hope that financial vulnerability could be used as a simple screening tool to help identify early signs of cognitive decline, especially in people over 70.
Image: eamesBot/Shutterstock.com
Molecular simulations, supercomputing lead to energy-saving biomaterials breakthrough
Scientists have identified and demonstrated a method to process a plant-based material called nanocellulose that reduced energy needs by a whopping 21%, using simulations on the lab's supercomputers and follow-on analysis.
Low-impact yoga and exercise found to help older women manage urinary incontinence
New research finds that 12 weeks of low-impact exercise classes reduced daily episodes of urinary incontinence by more than half.
Cognitive behavioral therapy enhances brain circuits to relieve depression
Scientists found that certain changes in neural activity predicted which patients would benefit from a type of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Physicists directly observed ultracold atoms in an 'edge state,' flowing along a boundary without resistance. The research could help physicists manipulate electrons to flow without friction in materials that could enable super-efficient transmission of energy and data.
Mathematical proof: Five satellites needed for precise navigation
What is the shortest route to the next stop or the agreed meeting point? Global positioning systems (GPS) have become a routine part of everyday life for most people. Until now, however, the minimum number of GPS satellites needed to determine the exact position of a mobile phone or other navigation device has remained a matter of conjecture. Researchers have now proved that a precise location can be determined in most cases with five or more satellites. At present, we can generally be sure of having contact to only four satellites.
New chickadee research finds cognitive skills impact lifespan
Western animal behavior and cognition researchers tracked the spatial cognition and lifespan of 227 mountain chickadees for more than a decade. They found the birds with better spatial learning and memory abilities lived longer.
Just how dangerous is Great Salt Lake dust? New research looks for clues
Scientists determine sediments from the lake's growing exposed playa have elevated 'oxidative potential,' indicating greater risk to human health compared with sediments from other dust sources affecting Salt Lake City.