Young adults let down by 'postcode lottery' for ADHD treatment in UK
A UK survey has found huge variation in treatment for ADHD, highlighting the struggle many young adults face once they turn 18. Researchers have warned that the current system is failing many young adults as they transition from children's to adult's services -- suddenly finding themselves unable to access treatment because services do not link up effectively.
Global South cities lack cooling green spaces
Cities in the Global South are more exposed to extreme heat because they lack cooling green spaces, new research shows.
Image: Alejo Bernal/
The risk of global water scarcity is greater when accounting for the origin of rain
Securing the world's water supply is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Researchers are now presenting an alternative method for quantifying the global risk of water scarcity. Results indicate higher risks to water supply than previously expected if accounting for the environmental conditions and governability where rain is produced.